
错误可用于处理智能合约执行过程中可能发生的验证和其他条件。 如果在执行智能合约调用期间抛出错误,则将停止执行,并恢复在交易期间所做的任何更改。

要抛出错误,请使用 assertpanic函数:

  • 'assert' 用于验证条件。 如果检查失败,则会引发错误以及指定的值,通常是一条消息。 它类似于 Solidity 中的require语句。

  • 'panic' 立即停止执行,并给出错误值。 当要检查的条件复杂且存在内部错误时,应使用它。它类似于 Solidity 中的revert 语句。 (使用panic_with_felt252 可以直接传递一个felt252作为错误值)


trait IErrorsExample<TContractState> {
    fn test_assert(self: @TContractState, i: u256);
    fn test_panic(self: @TContractState, i: u256);
mod ErrorsExample {
    struct Storage {}

    impl ErrorsExample of super::IErrorsExample<ContractState> {
        fn test_assert(self: @ContractState, i: u256) {
            // Assert used to validate a condition
            // and abort execution if the condition is not met
            assert(i > 0, 'i must be greater than 0');

        fn test_panic(self: @ContractState, i: u256) {
            if (i == 0) {
                // Panic used to abort execution directly
                panic_with_felt252('i must not be 0');

Voyager 上访问合约或在 Remix 中尝试它。



mod Errors {
    const NOT_POSITIVE: felt252 = 'must be greater than 0';
    const NOT_NULL: felt252 = 'must not be null';

trait ICustomErrorsExample<TContractState> {
    fn test_assert(self: @TContractState, i: u256);
    fn test_panic(self: @TContractState, i: u256);

mod CustomErrorsExample {
    use super::Errors;

    struct Storage {}

    impl CustomErrorsExample of super::ICustomErrorsExample<ContractState> {
        fn test_assert(self: @ContractState, i: u256) {
            assert(i > 0, Errors::NOT_POSITIVE);

        fn test_panic(self: @ContractState, i: u256) {
            if (i == 0) {

Voyager 上访问 contract 或在 Remix 中尝试它。

Vault 示例


mod VaultErrors {
    const INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE: felt252 = 'insufficient_balance';
// you can define more errors here

trait IVaultErrorsExample<TContractState> {
    fn deposit(ref self: TContractState, amount: u256);
    fn withdraw(ref self: TContractState, amount: u256);

mod VaultErrorsExample {
    use super::VaultErrors;

    struct Storage {
        balance: u256,

    impl VaultErrorsExample of super::IVaultErrorsExample<ContractState> {
        fn deposit(ref self: ContractState, amount: u256) {
            let mut balance = self.balance.read();
            balance = balance + amount;

        fn withdraw(ref self: ContractState, amount: u256) {
            let mut balance = self.balance.read();

            assert(balance >= amount, VaultErrors::INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE);

            // Or using panic:
            if (balance >= amount) {

            let balance = balance - amount;


Voyager 上访问 contract 或在 Remix 中尝试它。

Last change: 2023-10-12, commit: 90aa7c0