Appendix B: Operators and Symbols

This appendix includes a glossary of Cairo's syntax.


Table B-1 contains the operators in Cairo, an example of how the operator would appear in context, a short explanation, and whether that operator is overloadable. If an operator is overloadable, the relevant trait to use to overload that operator is listed.

Table B-1: Operators

!!exprBitwise or logical complementNot
!=expr != exprNon-equality comparisonPartialEq
%expr % exprArithmetic remainderRem
%=var %= exprArithmetic remainder and assignmentRemEq
&expr & exprBitwise ANDBitAnd
&&expr && exprShort-circuiting logical AND
*expr * exprArithmetic multiplicationMul
*=var *= exprArithmetic multiplication and assignmentMulEq
+expr + exprArithmetic additionAdd
+=var += exprArithmetic addition and assignmentAddEq
,expr, exprArgument and element separator
--exprArithmetic negationNeg
-expr - exprArithmetic subtractionSub
-=var -= exprArithmetic subtraction and assignmentSubEq
->fn(...) -> type, |...| -> typeFunction and closure return type
.expr.identMember access
/expr / exprArithmetic divisionDiv
/=var /= exprArithmetic division and assignmentDivEq
:pat: type, ident: typeConstraints
:ident: exprStruct field initializer
;expr;Statement and item terminator
<expr < exprLess than comparisonPartialOrd
<=expr <= exprLess than or equal to comparisonPartialOrd
=var = exprAssignment
==expr == exprEquality comparisonPartialEq
=>pat => exprPart of match arm syntax
>expr > exprGreater than comparisonPartialOrd
>=expr >= exprGreater than or equal to comparisonPartialOrd
^expr ^ exprBitwise exclusive ORBitXor
|expr | exprBitwise ORBitOr
||expr || exprShort-circuiting logical OR

Non Operator Symbols

The following list contains all symbols that are not used as operators; that is, they do not have the same behavior as a function or method call.

Table B-2 shows symbols that appear on their own and are valid in a variety of locations.

Table B-2: Stand-Alone Syntax

..._u8, ..._usize, etc.Numeric literal of specific type
'...'Short string
_“Ignored” pattern binding; also used to make integer literals readable

Table B-3 shows symbols that are used within the context of a module hierarchy path to access an item.

Table B-3: Path-Related Syntax

ident::identNamespace path
super::pathPath relative to the parent of the current module
trait::method(...)Disambiguating a method call by naming the trait that defines it

Table B-4 shows symbols that appear in the context of using generic type parameters.

Table B-4: Generics

path<...>Specifies parameters to generic type in a type (e.g., Vec<u8>)
path::<...>, method::<...>Specifies parameters to generic type, function, or method in an expression; often referred to as turbofish
fn ident<...> ...Define generic function
struct ident<...> ...Define generic structure
enum ident<...> ...Define generic enumeration
impl<...> ...Define generic implementation

Table B-5 shows symbols that appear in the context of calling or defining macros and specifying attributes on an item.

Table B-5: Macros and Attributes

#[meta]Outer attribute

Table B-6 shows symbols that create comments.

Table B-6: Comments

//Line comment

Table B-7 shows symbols that appear in the context of using tuples.

Table B-7: Tuples

()Empty tuple (aka unit), both literal and type
(expr)Parenthesized expression
(expr,)Single-element tuple expression
(type,)Single-element tuple type
(expr, ...)Tuple expression
(type, ...)Tuple type
expr(expr, ...)Function call expression; also used to initialize tuple structs and tuple enum variants

Table B-8 shows the contexts in which curly braces are used.

Table B-8: Curly Brackets

{...}Block expression
Type {...}struct literal
Last change: 2023-07-20, commit: e127cf5