An Example Program Using Structs

To understand when we might want to use structs, let’s write a program that calculates the area of a rectangle. We’ll start by using single variables, and then refactor the program until we’re using structs instead.

Let’s make a new project with Scarb called rectangles that will take the width and height of a rectangle specified in pixels and calculate the area of the rectangle. Listing 5-6 shows a short program with one way of doing exactly that in our project’s src/lib.cairo.

Filename: src/lib.cairo

use debug::PrintTrait;
fn main() {
    let width1 = 30;
    let height1 = 10;
    let area = area(width1, height1);

fn area(width: u64, height: u64) -> u64 {
    width * height

Listing 5-6: Calculating the area of a rectangle specified by separate width and height variables

Now run the program with scarb cairo-run:

$ scarb cairo-run
[DEBUG] ,                               (raw: 300)

Run completed successfully, returning []

This code succeeds in figuring out the area of the rectangle by calling the area function with each dimension, but we can do more to make this code clear and readable.

The issue with this code is evident in the signature of area:

fn area(width: u64, height: u64) -> u64 {

The area function is supposed to calculate the area of one rectangle, but the function we wrote has two parameters, and it’s not clear anywhere in our program that the parameters are related. It would be more readable and more manageable to group width and height together. We’ve already discussed one way we might do that in Chapter 2: using tuples.

Refactoring with Tuples

Listing 5-7 shows another version of our program that uses tuples.

Filename: src/lib.cairo

use debug::PrintTrait;
fn main() {
    let rectangle = (30, 10);
    let area = area(rectangle);
    area.print(); // print out the area

fn area(dimension: (u64, u64)) -> u64 {
    let (x, y) = dimension;
    x * y

Listing 5-7: Specifying the width and height of the rectangle with a tuple

In one way, this program is better. Tuples let us add a bit of structure, and we’re now passing just one argument. But in another way, this version is less clear: tuples don’t name their elements, so we have to index into the parts of the tuple, making our calculation less obvious.

Mixing up the width and height wouldn’t matter for the area calculation, but if we want to calculate the difference, it would matter! We would have to keep in mind that width is the tuple index 0 and height is the tuple index 1. This would be even harder for someone else to figure out and keep in mind if they were to use our code. Because we haven’t conveyed the meaning of our data in our code, it’s now easier to introduce errors.

Refactoring with Structs: Adding More Meaning

We use structs to add meaning by labeling the data. We can transform the tuple we’re using into a struct with a name for the whole as well as names for the parts.

Filename: src/lib.cairo

use debug::PrintTrait;

struct Rectangle {
    width: u64,
    height: u64,

fn main() {
    let rectangle = Rectangle { width: 30, height: 10, };
    let area = area(rectangle);
    area.print(); // print out the area

fn area(rectangle: Rectangle) -> u64 {
    rectangle.width * rectangle.height

Listing 5-8: Defining a Rectangle struct

Here we’ve defined a struct and named it Rectangle. Inside the curly brackets, we defined the fields as width and height, both of which have type u64. Then, in main, we created a particular instance of Rectangle that has a width of 30 and a height of 10. Our area function is now defined with one parameter, which we’ve named rectangle which is of type Rectangle struct. We can then access the fields of the instance with dot notation, and it gives descriptive names to the values rather than using the tuple index values of 0 and 1.

Adding Useful Functionality with Trait

It’d be useful to be able to print an instance of Rectangle while we’re debugging our program and see the values for all its fields. Listing 5-9 tries using the print as we have used in previous chapters. This won’t work.

Filename: src/lib.cairo

use debug::PrintTrait;

struct Rectangle {
    width: u64,
    height: u64,

fn main() {
    let rectangle = Rectangle { width: 30, height: 10, };

Listing 5-9: Attempting to print a Rectangle instance

When we compile this code, we get an error with this message:

$ cairo-compile src/lib.cairo
error: Method `print` not found on type "../src::Rectangle". Did you import the correct trait and impl?
 --> lib.cairo:16:15

Error: Compilation failed.

The print trait is implemented for many data types, but not for the Rectangle struct. We can fix this by implementing the PrintTrait trait on Rectangle as shown in Listing 5-10. To learn more about traits, see Traits in Cairo.

Filename: src/lib.cairo

use debug::PrintTrait;

struct Rectangle {
    width: u64,
    height: u64,

fn main() {
    let rectangle = Rectangle { width: 30, height: 10, };

impl RectanglePrintImpl of PrintTrait<Rectangle> {
    fn print(self: Rectangle) {

Listing 5-10: Implementing the PrintTrait trait on Rectangle

Nice! It’s not the prettiest output, but it shows the values of all the fields for this instance, which would definitely help during debugging.

Last change: 2023-09-20, commit: cbb0049